Call for Papers
Undergraduate Journal of Contemporary Issues & Media
Deadline: September 1st
Theme/Issue for Next Volume's Submissions
Self-Care as Resistance: Navigating Burnout Culture
Submission Information
Submission Deadline: September 1st
Submission Process: Please submit your papers to
Review Process: All submissions will undergo an editorial review process from undergraduate student editors in a Technical Editing course at the University of Utah during Fall 2025.
Important Dates
- Submission Deadline: September 1st
- Notification of Acceptance: End of October 2025
- Publication Date: January 2026
Contact Information: For any queries, please contact the Associate Editor, Rachel Bryson, at or
We look forward to your contributions and to advancing the conversation on burnout culture in academic and professional life.
- MP3 for sound;
- MP4 for filmic;
- jpg for photography;
- Arial 12-pt for traditional texts (we have no required fonts/sizes for creative texts).
Please make sure to complete the Institutional Review Board Process at your institution or receive signed permissions from your participants if doing research with people. Also, be mindful of copyright when using photographs or other work from the internet or social media.