Writing & Rhetoric Studies
The Writing & Rhetoric in Korea Program is open to majors and minors
Spend a semester studying Writing and Rhetoric at the Utah Asia Campus in Incheon, South Korea with us. Scholarships available.
Connect with Writing & Rhetoric Studies
The University Writer
This newsletter is designed to highlight writing on campus & in the community, and alert readers to the recent efforts, innovations, & accomplishments of the DWRS. Readers can expect issues to feature news about individual students and faculty, workshops on campus, & new writing classes & events.
Humanities Radio
Humanities Radio is the University of Utah College of Humanities' Podcast. Their goal
is to lead conversations about the humanities in the 21st century.
Undergraduate Journal
The Undergraduate Journal of Contemporary Issues and Media examines issues that are relevant across global contexts, though some may be uniquely identified & experienced by individuals and groups. The online journal publishes a wide range of media/texts showcasing different perspectives & ideas.