The Writing and Rhetoric Review
The Department of Writing and Rhetoric Studies would like to introduce a new newsletter! The newsletter, which you are reading right now, will be published digitally in a number of places (website, social media, email, etc.) the second Monday of every month. It will contain key pieces of news and information for and about faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students; information about up-coming events; a feature on faculty teaching and/or research; an interview with a faculty member; and more!
The newsletter is a place for information for new and interested students about the great WRS undergraduate degree programs as well as those who are already taking courses towards their WRS degrees. The newsletter provides a space for us to communicate the great things going on in WRS to each other, alumni, the university community, parents and families, and the broader community.
We look forward to putting together the newsletter every month, and we hope you will enjoy reading it!
- Dr. Jenny Andrus, Chair and Professor