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Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC)

The purpose of the WRS GSAC is to provide a place for graduate students in the Writing and Rhetoric Studies department to support one another by providing opportunities for:

  1. Leadership
  2. Social activities
  3. Writing and research groups
  4. Communication outlets
  5. Student representation to department/faculty

GSAC President and VPs

2025 Presidency Theme: 

We’re all in this together!

While supporting one another in our studies, research, teaching, and camaraderie, we are also committed to supporting faculty in department service opportunities and aim to provide advanced notice and equal opportunity for graduate students to be involved in these opportunities.

Tiffany Barney


Tiffany Buckingham Barney

A student elected up to one calendar year position.

Available to 3rd or 4th year PhD students at time of election.

Oversees general function of GSAC including activities and committees.

Conducts monthly Executive Board meetings.

Runs GSAC general membership meetings.

Represents graduate students to faculty and staff.

Conducts elections for Vice President.

Votes for all Executive Board Presidency matters.


Rachel Lott

Vice President

Rachel Lott

A student elected one calendar year position.

Position transfers to President the following January or upon the leave of GSAC President (whichever comes first).

Available to 2nd or 3rd year PhD students at time of election.

Communicates with faculty to facilitate early volunteer efforts for department service opportunities.

Calls for applications for Executive Board positions and vote with incoming Executive Presidency.

Votes for all Executive Board Presidency matters.

Rachael Gundry

Master's Associate Vice President

Rachael Rasmussen

A one semester Executive Board Presidency appointment.

Available to all Master's students at time of appointment.

Organizes faculty workshops (IRB in fall and conference proposal in spring).

Recommends Master's Associate Vice President for next semester.

Votes for all Executive Board Presidency matters.


Joseph MayakiExecutive Scheduler

Joseph Mayaki

A one calendar year position voted in by the incoming Executive Board Presidency.

Available to all PhD and Master's students at time of vote.

Manages WRS GSAC calendar.

Invites committee members to events.


Jennifer GreenleeExecutive Treasurer

Jennifer Greenlee


A one calendar year position voted in by the incoming Executive Board Presidency.

Available to all PhD and Master's students at time of vote.

Keeps an annual budget.

Applies for departmental and ASUU budget.



  • A one academic year volunteer position selected by Executive Board Presidency
  • Oversees a committee of at least 2 and no more than 3 graduate students.
  • Conducts evaluation of faculty up for retention, promotion, and/or tenure based on graduate student reporting.

  • A one academic year volunteer position selected by Executive Board Presidency.
  • Oversees a committee of 2-3 graduate students.
  • Assists faculty in creating welcoming opportunities for potential incoming graduate students.
  • Attends welcoming events.
  • Meets with candidates to answer questions about the program from a student perspective.

  • A one academic year volunteer position selected by Executive Board Presidency.
  • Oversees committee of 0-2 graduate students.
  • Facilitates desk days, writing/research co-ops, and end-of-semester peer review day.

  • A one academic year volunteer position selected by Executive Board Presidency.
  • Oversees a committee of 2-3 graduate students.
  • Organizes beginning of semester WRS GSAC general membership meetings (Welcome Back in September and Towne Hall in January) with President.
  • Plans and carries out one mid-semester social gathering each semester and (optional) summer term.

  • A one academic year volunteer position selected by Executive Board Presidency.
  • Oversees committee of 2-3 graduate students.
  • Watches for and attends additional department volunteer opportunities including lunches with guests.

  • Oversees committee of 0-3 grad students.
  • Organizes presentation practices.
  • Assists with department party (if happening).
  • Collaborates with students on AirBnB or other less expensive housing and transportation options.

  • Oversees committee of 0-3 grad students.
  • Represents WRS students in RSA student chapter.
  • Organizes presentation practices.
  • Assists with department party (if happening).
  • Collaborates with students on AirBnB or other less expensive housing and transportation options.

  • Oversees committee of 0-3 graduate students.
  • Assists WPA team with undergraduate writing symposium.
  • Helps remind TAs in department to share information with students.

  • Oversees committee of 0-3 graduate students.
  • Identify possible community service projects. 
  • Keeps fellow grad students informed about these opportunities.
  • Coordinates groups and gatherings associated with these opportunities (as needed).

  • Assigned by the Executive Board Presidency based on GSAC and department service need.
Last Updated: 2/24/25