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The Undergraduate Journal

of Contemporary Issues and Media

Call for Proposals

Deadline: January 15, 2021

The Undergraduate Journal  of Contemporary Issues and Media: Call for Proposals

The Undergraduate Journal of Contemporary Issues and Media examines issues that are relevant across global contexts, though they may be uniquely identified and experienced by individuals and groups. The on-line journal publishes a wide range of media/texts showcasing different perspectives and ideas. Both traditional and nontraditional media will be represented:

  • Essays, opinion and nonfiction texts, including research
  • Short and flash fiction, poetry, zines
  • Podcasts, music, soundscapes
  • Art, film, infographics, photography

Our goal is to provide a forum for creative and informative perspectives that educate, compel, and move. We request submissions that are mindful and provocative. They do not have to be completed drafts but can be drafts that could use an editorial eye. In other words, we are happy to work with those who submit to bring their contribution to fruition. Should your submission be selected to be included in the journal, please be prepared to engage in the editing process with our editors. The journal is open to all undergraduates in any field.

The issue for our next volume is “2020,” a purposefully broad term that invites speculation, commentary, and claims including, but not limited to:

  • Food Insecurity
  • Living in the Time of Virus
  • Social Justice
  • BLM
  • Upheaval
  • BIPOC Visibility
  • Social Media
  • Emotional Fatigue
  • Being With/Being Without

Our deadline is flexible in that submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, with a final deadline of January 15th of every year. MP3 for sound; MP4 for filmic; jpg for photography; and we have no required fonts/sizes for creative texts, but please use Arial 12-pt for traditional texts. Submissions should be sent to: Submissions will be blind peer-reviewed. The journal is published each year on November 30 on WorldCat.

Note:  Please make sure to complete the Institutional Review Board Process at your institution or receive signed permissions from your participants if doing research with people. Also, be mindful of copyright when using photographs or other work from the internet or social media.

Our archives can be found here. Download the text for this page.

Last Updated: 12/13/21