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Graduate Student News

This has been a very good year for our graduate students! They have presented at conferences, received competitive university awards, defended their research and secured positions.


Nicole Clawson has been awarded a Tanner Humanities Fellowship. This prestigious award relieves her of teaching duties and allows her a full year to devote to her dissertation. Congratulations, Nicole!


Summer Defenses

Nkenna Onwuzuruoha successfully defended her dissertation, Fighting Words with Fists: Violence, Blame, and Vilification in the Gater Incident. Kenna has taken a tenure-line position in Africana Studies at California State, Fresno. Congratulations, Kenna! Chair: Maureen Mathison

Estée Crenshaw successfully defended her dissertation, Waka as Premodern Rhetoric. Estée has taken a tenure-line position in the Department of English and Literature at Utah Valley University. Congratulations, Estée! Chair: LuMing Mao

Spring Defenses

Sabita Bastakoti successfully defended her MA thesis, Towards an Islamic Decolonial Option: Unsettling Encounters and Recovering Muslim Rhetorics. Sabita has taken a position at the Bennion Center at the University of Utah. Congratulations Sabita! Chair: Romeo García.

Upcoming Defenses

Addie Hunsaker will defend her MS project on August 15. The focus of her project is microagressions in science. An announcement has been sent out . Chair: Maureen Mathison


Last Updated: 8/9/23